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written by Mickey on 2007-07-20

This year's GUADEC was very successful for me. I managed to attend to a lot of talks while still having time to perform several business meetings. OpenMoko Inc. was present in the GMAE meeting and contributed a tiny little bit to the discussions. GUADEC refreshed and renewed my interest and confidence in many GNOME technologies.

My talk about OpenMoko and the Neo1973 was very well received and although I called for flames by stating that GTK+ as the heart technology of GNOME is also its weakest spot, I hardly received any. To the contrary -- other talks and discussions pointed out the same.

The Gnome Mobile Platform is progressing nicely and I'm looking forward to integrating the best libraries and frameworks into OpenMoko.

On to some personal notes... I really enjoyed the 4 days, spending some time with Stefan Schmidt and Daniel Willmann and my OE buddies, however both the Formule1 Hotel and (some of) Birmingham's taxi drivers (not to mention the public transportation system) were quite suboptimal...