Hire Me!

OpenExpo 2007

written by Mickey on 2007-09-22

::: {.img-shadow} OpenMoko talk at OpenExpo 2007{width="200"} :::

Just returned to Frankfurt after visiting the OpenExpo 2007 in Zurich/Oerlikon. Benjamin 'C7' Hagen organized a small but fine OpenMoko booth (next our friendly GNOME colleagues) and we had two very good days with lots of interested people stopping by. My talk on Thursday also attracted quite some people (as you can see in the photo). To silence all the "it's cool, but doesn't work as a phone" nay-sayers, I demonstrated a phone call during the talk :D

::: {.img-shadow} OpenMoko Booth at OpenExpo 2007{width="200"} :::

On to some bad news... Benjamin got his backpack stolen, including a Laptop and his Neo 1973... *sigh* I will make sure he gets one from the next batch of GTA01.

OpenExpo was very organized and agile. Although it's just the little brother of the Topsoft business fair -- which occupied four times the space -- I dare to say, it looked as most of the visitors (me included) found OpenExpo much more exciting than Topsoft ;-)

Leaving to Portugal tomorrow for a two weeks vacation -- after that, I'm going to visit the 2nd annual OpenEmbedded developers conference in Berlin. Then back to Taipei for a bit.